Sabtu, 25 April 2020

Quote For You

Part 1
People leave because it's easier to walk away than to fight for what they really want.

Part 2
At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your hearts, but not your life.

Part 3
Maybe I did get my hope up too high, maybe I was in over my head, maybe I'm the stupid one for ever thingking that you loved me, but maybe just maybe I'm tired to being alone.

Part 4
Brain, sorry for the overload.
Tummy, sorry for the butterflies.
Pillow, sorry for the tears.
And hearts, sorry for demage.

Part 5
I crave you in the most innocent form. I crave you to say goodnight and give you forehead kisses and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways where I just meant to be next to you and notting more less.

Part 6
I know sometimes we fuss and fight, I know sometimes things don't go right, I know sometimes I can frustrate you and I know sometimes you get me mad. I know that you're my better half, I know without you I'm incomplate. And I know that tommorow you won't be here with me, but you know that? no matter what, you will always have a key to my hearts.

Part 7
One day, you're going to miss the little text massages I give to you. You're going to miss how I use to worry about you when you're out too late. You're going to miss my annoyingness. And one day when I'm gone, you're going to miss how you actually had someone that actually wanted you. And when I'm not there anymore you're going to miss me.

Part 8
I can be your shield, I'll fight on the field.
When our life gets colder, I'll be your soldier.

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